Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Look under S

We have this local desi video library - the kind where they buy 1 original dvd, make 15 'original copies' and rent each one for 2 bucks a day. The library rents out dvds amongst other things like selling fake pearls,imitation jewelery and phony phone cards...the guy who usually sits at the counter has some attitude (something tells me that he believes he looks like Sharukh, but that's for another blog).

Although it happened a while ago, I remember this incident very vividly. It was one of those lazy Saturday afternoons that my wife gets into the mood to watch the hindi oldie 'Satte pe Satta'. Not to disappoint her, we drive to this library (did I tell you it goes by the name 'Sound of Music'). She browses through the mess of DVDs in the shelf that are supposedly arranged in an alphabetical order but doesn't find it. After scouring through the entire section top to bottom, left to right she checks with one of the assistants who swears that they have that movie in the store but can't find it either. The assistant suggests that we inquire with his boss at the counter who has a computer that holds the secrets to many national treasures and possibly the DVD we are looking for too...

So, she goes to counter and asks our wannabe Sharukh if he can help find the DVD for 'Satte pe Satta' and gets a response in a seemingly arrogant tone - "Look under S..."

My wife, not the type to be at a loss of words when it comes to smart alecs, calmly responds - "Oh really?, I was looking under T, thanks so much for the refresher on English alphabets"

Somehow, I don't think our NJ version of Sharukh got the sarcasm....he still had the look on his face that said "How could you NOT figure that out? (to look for the movie under S)"

Well..what else can I say  :)

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Come on make some noise !

Come on make some noise !