Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who let the rats out?

If you live long enough in New York, you get used to seeing crazy stuff going on. If there is nothing notable happening in the streets above, there is always some thing nuts happening in the subway below. Among all the other attractions that it boasts of, NYC is also famous for it's overgrown subway rats.I mean, these are super rats that scurry under moving trains and over high voltage tracks and could brave any weather. They have been there since the beginning of NYC's subways and will continue for ever even if  'Cloverfield' actually occurs.

So, while I am not surprised to see these huge rats when I'am waiting for my A or C train, I was quiet taken aback when this big guy chose to walk up to the street.

Rumour was that he was worried he may get the 'Swine Flu' from the dirty subways, so he came up for fresh air. But judging by the gentleman hat he is wearing, I think he was out looking for a job...

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Come on make some noise !

Come on make some noise !